Independent residential architectural services and advice
Are you overwhelmed by the number of talented architects out there and not quite sure who will be the best fit for your project? Are you unclear about the process of engaging an architect? Do you have queries about the role of an architect during your project? Has something happened and you think a second opinion would be beneficial?
Clarity is the key to solving problems. So let me help you.
Here’s how I can help
Help selecting the right architect
Want to make sure you select the right architect? I can help. First, I will meet with you to assess the project and will then assist you with your preliminary brief. I’ll then prepare a shortlist of suitable architects.
Once you’ve contacted them and received proposals I can also help you assist with final selection.
Advice on the architectural design process
I advise you about the architectural process in detail so that you fully understand all the steps involved. I also advise on:
Consultants required (Town Planner, Engineer, etc.)
Best building procurement method
The step-by-step process from design to completion
Post completion problems and how to solve them
Design and building stage advice
There are many uncertainties during the design and building process. While your architect will be able to answer most of these queries, sometimes clients want advice from an independent expert (e.g. design review reports).
By seeking independent professional advice problems can be solved before they escalate. Clarity is the key to a solution.
Help when the tender price is over budget
Unfortunately, this is often the case. Tender prices are often more expensive than estimated, which can lead to a project halt and very disappointed owners, having invested time, energy and money in the design process.
Independent advice can provide the owner with clarity about how to get the project back on track
Access to suppliers and top-level service
Selecting products and materials can be overwhelming as there are so many choices. A good trusted relationship with consultants and suppliers is critical. My long- standing position in the industry has allowed me to develop trusted relationships which make life for my clients much easier.
I can provide assistance with suppliers and consultant selection
Help navigating variations and changes
We all hear horror stories about increased costs due to variations during the design and build process.
I advise how best to manage these and reduce your risk to further variations and increased costs